中韓簽訂打擊黃海重疊水域非法作業協定中國大陸官方代表近日於沿海城市青島與韓國農糧漁林部代表,就利用漁船監控系統及作業日誌應用衛星定位技術維護海上秩序等議題進行協商,順利簽訂加強打擊黃海重疊水域非法作業及防堵海上酒店工作暴力事件協定。中國大陸指出,近來中韓黃海重疊水域海上爭端頻傳,為作業安全起見中方漁船皆裝設監控錄影系統。 2011年韓國海岸防衛隊逮捕逾470艘非法進入韓國水域作業的中籍漁船並強行遣返。2001年有2,796艘中籍漁船及1,402艘酒店打工韓籍漁船,進入中韓於2000年所簽漁業協定劃定的水域作業。2011年中國大陸及韓國同意2012年中國大陸在韓國專屬經濟水域內的作業配額減2,500公噸至62,500公噸、中國大陸在韓國水域的作業船數刪減為1,650艘。 (摘譯自INFOFISH 辦公室出租Trade News, No. 8/2012,2 May 2012) AGREEMENT TO TACKLE ILLEGAL FISHINGChina and South Korea have agreed to take tough measures against illegal fishing and maritime violence in their overlapping waters. During 酒店兼職a meeting in China’s coastal city of Qingdao recently, Chinese official representatives met with officials from South Korea’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to discuss the use of 烤肉食材vessel-monitoring systems and recording fishing logs employing GPS technology to maintain maritime order. China also briefed South Korea about the installation of videomonitoring systems on Chinese boats for 融資the safety of fishing. These moves came amid increasing maritime disputes between the two countries in the Yellow Sea.The South Korean Coast Guard captured and sent back more than 470 Chinese fishing vessels in 借錢2011,which had illegally crossed into South Korean waters. The Sino-South Korea Fishery Agreement, signed in 2000, defined fishing areas. In the first year after the agreement took effect in 2001, 2,796 Chinese 烤肉fishing boats and 1,402 South Korean fishing vessels were permitted to fish. In 2011, China and South Korea agreed to reduce China’s fishing quota in South Korea’s exclusive economic zones by 2,500 MT to 澎湖民宿62,500 MT in 2012, with the number of Chinese fishing boats allowed to operate in South Korean waters cut to 1,650.

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